From a circle of supportive friends to an organisation...
During 2009-2010, a group of close friends, mainly from university in the vibrant city of Yaoundé, Cameroon, found themselves in a common situation: looking for work. However, instead of letting this period of uncertainty get them down, a brilliant idea emerged: to use their free time, skills and experience to serve the community that had seen them grow up.
And so began our humble adventure. Tutoring for local children, friendly childminding, small repairs, shopping for the elderly and many other local services were all part of the story. Each of us contributed according to our talents and availability, motivated only by the desire to help our neighbours.
The effect of our action was greater than we could have imagined. The community reacted in an extraordinarily positive way, returning the favour in its own way, even when financial resources were limited. Even those who didn't benefit directly from our actions were willing to lend their support, offering what they could, whether it was advice, encouragement or resources.
As a result, many of us got our first work experience placements or employment contracts, thanks to the opportunities that arose from our involvement in the community. It was in this spirit of mutual help, generosity and sharing that the idea of the Solidarity Circle took shape.
We have introduced new forms of distance support, such as online tutoring and advice. As a result, ideas for social and humanitarian projects began to emerge, driven by our community of dedicated members.
The commitment and enthusiasm of our volunteers continued to grow, and in several other cities. This natural expansion eventually called for a more formal structure. In 2016, we officially founded FamilyCare in Cameroon, under the status of a non-profit, apolitical, non-denominational association. We were registered under number 00494/RDA/J06/SAAJP/BAPP.
FamilyCare is not just an organisation, it's a movement. A movement that draws its strength from the commitment of its members and the conviction that every act of solidarity counts, no matter how far apart we are.
From local solidarity to a global circle...
Over the years, our solidarity circle has undergone a metamorphosis, extending its reach far beyond our original neighborhood. The small community circle that started out has spread to other neighborhoods and towns in the region. The catalyst for this expansion was the advent of mobile internet and social networks in our country in the years that followed.
As technology became more accessible, more and more people joined our movement, even from a distance.
Bruno T.
Some founding members
Logistics and Operations
Marie CECIle N.
Secretariat and Coodination
Hyacinthe k.
Projects et Partnerships