FAQ FamilyCare

  1. Comment fonctionne la bourse d'échange ?

    • Notre Communauté fonctionne autour d'une bourse d'échange permettant des échanges de biens et services de manière cyclique. Chaque offre trouve preneur et chaque demande trouve une solution à l'intérieur du réseau. FamilyCare organise les attributions selon l'ordre de priorité de nécessité et d'activité du membre demandeur. Les échanges sont valorisés en points ou en étoiles.

  2. Comment puis-je devenir membre de FamilyCare ?

    • La qualité de membre de FamiliCare s’obtient par inscription au bureau ou sur l'une des plateformes en ligne de l’association ainsi que le paiement de frais d’adhésion fixés par le comité d’administration ou une prestation quelconque au profit de l'association.

    • En tant que membre, vous pouvez aussi intégrer le cercle de CareRelay, les représentant et homme de terrain de FamilyCare dans leur espace goegraphique direct.

  3. Quels sont les différents types de membres ?

    • a. Administrator members: These are the elected members of the Executive Board and 6 of the members who have been in good standing for at least 1 year. They sit on the Association's Administrative Committee and are eligible for election to the Executive Board.

    • b. Ex-officio members: These are registered members in good standing. They attend the General Meeting in an advisory capacity.

    • c. User members: These are legal entities or individuals who are registered and in good standing, who provide or request services or who are recognised as being in need and who participate in the association's activities.

    • d. Honorary members: Any state or non-state organisation which, through its expertise and actions, contributes to the objectives and development of the Association.

  4. What are the conditions for becoming an honorary member?

    • Honorary membership is awarded by the General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Board. Honorary members are exempt from membership fees.

  5. How do I lose my membership?

    • Membership is lost by resignation, withdrawal, suspension or striking off for serious reasons by the General Meeting, or by dissolution of the association..

  6. How can I help without becoming a member?

    • There are several ways in which you can help:

  • Make a donation to finance our various activities.

  • Sponsor a child or become a patron of a person in difficulty to improve their life.

  • Volunteering: If you would like to get more involved, join our team of volunteers and take part in an ongoing project.